Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Free Template Available

Hello Everyone

Hope you are staying safe in this weather.

I have been making some promise boxes for family member's whose presents haven't been delivered, so that they have something to open. I am happy to share the template with anyone who needs it. There is a picture here (not a good one I am afraid as I am working from home), if you would like the template emailed to you please email me at

Happy Christmas Everyone.


Cut and Craft

Friday, 16 July 2010

Junior Competition

Hi Everyone

Hope you are all having better weather than we are down here in Devon.

You may or may not know that the National Cardmaker of the Year Competion has been launched. My 8 year old daughter was not impressed that they still don't have a junior section so, as I am so passionate about getting kids crafting, we are going to run our own junior cardmaker competition with a lovely set of crafting goodies as the prize.

Entrants must be 14 years or younger, cards can be any shape and size and have any theme. They do not need to use our templates so please dont go to the expense of buying a template. Entries should be sent to us here at Cut and Craft by 31st August, with the child's name, age and address. We cannot return any cards without an SAE but all cards will be passed onto a good cause.

Following on from our popular summer holiday freebies we hope to send out some more kids projects via download over the summer, but with a 10 week old milk monster to look after I cannot guarantee that there will be one every week!!!!!

I hope you all have a lovely summer.


Saturday, 3 April 2010

Freebie for the Easter Holidays

Hi Everyone

We are busy working away at bringing out a new range of 2d and shaped card templates. To give you a little taster we are giving the first one away free for you to try out. My 8 year old daughter is obsessed with making these and it has taken up many a rainy afteroon so you may want to get the little ones involved.

This would make a great wedding dress, prom dress or just an elegant dress for a female recipient. These cards are quick and easy to do and great fun.

I hope everyone is having a great Easter despite the weather. This template has been emailed to all the customers on our mailing list, if you haven't received your copy send us a quick email and we will email it to you.

Happy Easter

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Snow Bound - Home-made embellishments

Hello Everyone

To try to prevent cabin fever setting in I decided I would get a head start on my Mum's Mother's Day Card. I was going to make a little tea rooms from our free template but realised that I had no miniature cakes and no chance of getting to the shops. After many failed ideas I raided my husband's tool cupboard and found some polyfilla, next I had to find some molds - I realised after filling every available pot and container that the best thing to use was old blister packs from tablets, strepsil packs are great as they are a decent size. I cleaned them out and ran the rounded end of a pen lid around them to get rid of all the dents and filled them with some polyfilla. Then the fun bit once they had dried, a bit of paint, followed by liquid pearls and few tiny gems to finish off. They aren't works of art but should look ok inside the shop window.